The Luckiest and Most Delicious Desserts to Eat for CNY 2024

The Chinese New Year of the Dragon will fall on February 10, 2024. The Chinese calendar is lunar, so the date of the New Year changes each year. The Dragon is the fifth animal in the Chinese zodiac, which consists of a 12-year cycle of animals.

People born in the Year of the Dragon are said to be intelligent, full of power, and lucky. The previous Year of the Dragon was in 2012, and the next one will be in 2036.

Chinese New Year is a time for families to come together and celebrate and is marked by various traditions and customs, including giving red envelopes with money inside, hanging red lanterns, and eating special foods.

Chinese New Year is a time for families to come together and celebrate, and food plays a central role in the festivities. Many different desserts are traditionally eaten during this holiday, depending on the region and the specific customs of each family. Some typical Chinese New Year desserts include:

Nian Gao

A sticky rice cake symbolizes good fortune and prosperity. Nian Gao is traditionally eaten during Chinese New Year 2024. It is believed to bring good luck and prosperity in the new year and is often given as a gift or offered to the gods as a form of offering. The word “nian gao” literally means “year cake,” It is often eaten as a symbol of the desire for a higher income or a better job in the coming year. In some regions, it is also customary to stick coins or other auspicious objects into the nian gao before it is eaten to attract good luck. Overall, nian gao is an essential part of Chinese New Year celebrations and is associated with good fortune and prosperity.

Tang Yuan

It is a popular Chinese dessert made with sweet glutinous rice balls. It is often eaten during the Chinese New Year and other special occasions and is believed to bring good fortune and harmony. The rice balls are made with glutinous rice flour and water and are typically filled with sweet fillings such as red bean paste or sesame paste. They are then boiled in water until they are soft and cooked through. Tang yuan is often served in a sweet soup or syrup and may be garnished with ingredients such as toasted sesame seeds or chopped nuts. It is a sweet, comforting, and satisfying dessert enjoyed by people of all ages.

Lai Wong Bao

Lai wong bao is a steamed sponge cake famous in China and other parts of Asia. It is often eaten during the Chinese New Year and other special occasions. The cake is made with a mixture of egg whites, sugar, and flour, which is beaten until it forms a stiff, fluffy batter. The batter is then steamed in small molds until cooked through. The resulting cake is light, airy, and spongy, with a delicate sweetness. Lai wong bao is often served plain but may also be flavored with ingredients such as vanilla or pandan extract. It is a simple yet satisfying dessert enjoyed by people of all ages.

Egg Tarts

Egg tarts are a popular Chinese dessert made with a flaky pastry crust and a rich custard filling. The crust is made with flour, butter, and water, rolled out, and pressed into small tart pans. The filling is made with eggs, sugar, and milk and is poured into the tart crusts and baked until it is set and golden. The resulting tarts are rich, creamy, and delicious, with a flaky crust and a smooth, velvety filling. Egg tarts are often served as a dessert and may be garnished with ingredients such as powdered sugar or fruit. They are a popular treat in China and other parts of Asia and are enjoyed by people of all ages.

Coconut Milk Pudding

Coconut milk pudding is a rich, creamy dessert made with coconut milk, sugar, and eggs. It is a popular dessert in many parts of the world, including Asia, the Caribbean, and South America. To make coconut milk pudding, the coconut milk is heated with sugar until the sugar is dissolved. The eggs are beaten and then slowly stirred into the coconut milk mixture. The resulting pudding is poured into individual serving dishes and then chilled until it is set and firm. Coconut milk pudding is often served chilled and may be garnished with ingredients such as fruit, chocolate shavings, or toasted coconut flakes. It is a rich, indulgent dessert that is beloved for its creamy texture and delicate coconut flavor.

Almond Cookies

Almond Cookies are a type of cookie that is often eaten during the Chinese New Year and other special occasions. They are made with a mixture of flour, sugar, and ground almonds and are typically flavored with ingredients such as vanilla extract or almond extract. The dough is rolled into small balls and then flattened into discs before being baked until golden and crispy. Almond cookies are delicate and crisp, with a subtle sweetness and a nutty flavor. They are often served as a dessert or a snack and may be garnished with ingredients such as chopped almonds or sesame seeds. In China and other parts of Asia, almond cookies are a popular treat people of all ages enjoy.

Chinese New Year desserts are generally sweet and often symbolize good fortune, prosperity, and happiness. They are typically enjoyed with family and friends during the celebrations.

Top 3 Chinese New Year Filipino Desserts in the Philippines

Tikoy, also known as nian gao, is a sticky rice cake traditionally eaten during Chinese New Year in many parts of Asia, including the Philippines.

It is made with glutinous rice flour, sugar, and water and is often steamed or boiled. The texture of tikoy is dense and sticky, and it is typically sliced and then pan-fried with oil until it is golden and crispy on the outside. It is often served as a dessert and is believed to bring good fortune and prosperity in the new year.

In the Philippines, tikoy is often flavored with coconut milk, sesame seeds, and peanuts and may be served with a sweet dipping sauce.

Turon is a popular Filipino dessert made with plantains or bananas wrapped in spring roll wrappers and deep-fried until they are crispy and golden. It is often served with honey or a sweet sauce on top.

The plantains or bananas are typically sliced lengthwise and then rolled up with a filling, such as brown sugar or a mixture of brown sugar and jackfruit, before being wrapped in the spring roll wrapper and fried. The resulting dessert is crispy on the outside and sweet and soft on the inside. Turon is a typical street food in the Philippines and is often enjoyed as a snack or dessert.

Leche flan – is a popular Filipino dessert with eggs, milk, and sugar. It is similar to a custard or flan and is made by mixing eggs, milk, and sugar and then cooking the mixture until it is smooth and creamy. The resulting dessert is rich and creamy, with a delicate sweetness and a soft, silky texture.

Leche flan is often served chilled and topped with a caramel sauce made from melted sugar. In the Philippines, Leche flan is a popular dessert and is often served at special occasions and celebrations and is perfect for the Chinese new year.

Desserts are also in high demand in other countries where Chinese New Year is celebrated, such as Singapore and Malaysia.