Horse 2022 Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast

horse horoscope 2022

The recent Years of the Horse are 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the year 2022 will bring major changes in the lives of those born in the year of the Horse.

Everything you have ever dreamed of will be able to come true. So get ready for a lucky 2022 that will pave your way to success.

The fact that you work hard and at the same time smart will pay off in 2022. In terms of finances, things will look good. Also, in your career, everything is ready for your step forward.

Most likely, the Horse will choose specific people with whom to work. Such a team will become extremely well-coordinated and efficient. The harmony that reigns here will make everyone gain a lot. This is great news, as the Horse will have some really ambitious plans in 2022.

2022 Predictions for the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water Horses

Zodiac signYear of BirthPrediction
Wood Horse1954, 2014You will not have health problems, but the financial situation is likely to stagnate
Fire Horse 1966A better year than 2021. There are great chances to be promoted in your career

Metal Horse1930, 1990 A prosperous and rich year for your family and career.

Earth Horse1978A year in which you have to use your intellect a lot.
Water Horse1942, 2002 A prosperous year. Meritorious promotions and highlights will bring you satisfaction and happiness.


Love – Horoscope Horoscope 2022

2022 is a time when love will come to you in many different forms, from various people, providing you with many different things. It is up to you to pay attention and gain the love you need and deserve.

In 2022, the Horse will have a generally good period in the love and marriage area. If you are already married or in a relationship, there may be some periods when it will be a little harder for you to understand your partner.

The Year of the Water Tiger could bring some disagreements in marital relationships; however, good understanding and commitment to the partner will bring good results.

As the year progresses, peace and serenity will follow in love and marriage. Embark on an adventurous journey with a partner.

When we think of love, we usually think of lovers and lots of kisses, but one should know that all the interactions we have with people in our lives involve some other form of love.

You should focus on this form of love in the summer. It’s a love for the people around you that you’re already used to. See what you can do for them and what they need.

Enjoy knowing that many people would selflessly give you comfort when you need it.

The Horses who are in a relationship or married can be tested by various temptations, so you better watch out. It’s not the time to flirt or wander around.

If you are single, then you have all the time in the world to flirt. Love is in the air, and you could find some new partners. All in all, love can be exciting to you in 2022.

Money and Career – Horoscope 2022 Horoscope

After making many efforts and feeling, at times, like a failure, the Snake will see that new doors are opening in 2022, and new possibilities will arrive.

To access these, you will have to generate changes within yourself since new opportunities are accompanied by a change in values.

You will have to recycle everything that no longer serves you to build a new way of making a living. It is now when you must decide to choose a new course. You can no longer avoid it because it is a moment just for you.

Your priority will be to increase your purchasing power and buy more material goods, a topic that could become a bit obsessive because you can use it to avoid other types of problems.

From March to July, the Chinese horoscope favors you, so you will have the opportunity to make some decisions that will help you become financially independent in a short time.

Health – Horoscope 2022 Horoscope

You won’t experience any big health problems this year, although it is very important to take care of your mental health, because your state of mind may be affected by moments of sadness. This could lead you to feel gloomy for no reason.

In the first months, Horses will experience minor seasonal colds, and they may have some muscle aches. Once the time has passed, they will be able to feel better and regain strength, especially due to the positive attitude. They need to take care of their diet as it will affect their immune system. Avoid excessive consumption of red meat, and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables.

Horse Luck Predictions and Feng Shui Tips for 2022:

According to the horse Chinese horoscope 2022, the directions that are most favorable for horses are South and East.

The lucky colors for the Horses for the year of Black Water Tiger are turquoise, dark green, dark brown, black. People born under the horse sign can wear these colors while starting anything or on auspicious occasions. You can also keep a handkerchief of these colors in your pocket or wallet.

The lucky numbers for this year are 2, 4, and 8 and the unlucky ones are 5,9.

In the year of the Water Tiger, the most favorable months are March, May, July and the unlucky months are January and October.

The lucky element for the horse is fire, which works in harmony with earth but is overwhelmed by the element of water.

 Feng Shui objects for luck:

  • Feng Shui Gold Chinese Zodiac Tiger – will bring good luck in your home and office and it’s a perfect gift for birthdays or holidays.
  • Tiger Eye Gemstone Money Tree Feng Shui Bonsai : will attract wealth and prosperity, success, and all good things. Is good for home decor or chakra crystal healing.

Horse Monthly Horoscope 2022

April is your time to make yourself known at work and in the world, but make sure you take care of home and partner/mate responsibilities first, or they will hold you back. Spontaneous travel opportunities will come up so be ready for them. Siblings raise some important issues.

In May you need to find yourself some quiet time. This month is wonderful for your creativity, and you find yourself doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work. Money tends to fluctuate, so follow a budget. Overall though, the financial tendency should be towards an increase. You may even come into some unexpected money. Work finds you doing the same old thing, and it’s a grind, but you are at least comfortable with it.

June is a month of change and growth. Travel for you and/or a partner is likely. Expect it to unfold in a way you didn’t count on! You feel like you are holding the fort alone this month…it is a wonderful time for teaching and learning and exchanging visits with siblings and friends.

In July you are volatile and active. Nothing can (or had better) get in your way! You are inclined to put your energy into relationships, but since there is so much of it, why not save some for work and home projects?

August finds you still growing but not quite sure what direction you want to grow in. You are in escapist mode and don’t want the responsibility. Romantically ANYTHING can happen if you are looking for romance. You might even run into an old flame.

September is the time to settle down and start thinking about money and work again. You might move or renovate your residence this month. Make sure you don’t overspend. You and your partner/mate are likely keeping your activities and plans secret.

In October you put yourself back into work, and you may get some out-of-town company. Your partner’s finances are likely to be fluctuating, you may find yourself needing help. Your finances look good this month. Unexpected benefits come your way.

In November you will enjoy social activities that may arise spontaneously. If you have children, be sure to take time to find out what they are up to! Work is old hat, but enjoyable.

December finds you spending more time alone, with money doing pretty well! Relationships are not as stable as you like them to be. This month it seems that everyone is telling you their secrets. If you can’t keep them, decline to listen! And don’t let yourself get dumped on either. You can find some real joy this month with children, with creative activities, and with romance (or maybe all three)!