Monkey Horoscope 2022 & Feng Shui Forecast

monkey horoscope 2022

The recent Years of the Monkey are 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

If your Chinese zodiac sign is Monkey, don’t expect and don’t hope that everything will be great in 2022 because, unfortunately, it won’t be.

At times, it will not be easy, and you will have to fight, but in the end, you will be stronger and more courageous.

According to the Monkey Horoscope 2022, you will face challenges and innovations daily since even a completely routine job can be quite tiring.

Something will constantly hinder you from performing normal activities. You may even have to work overtime from time to time.

It all sounds a little scary and exhausting, but remember that you have to persevere with the utmost enthusiasm. Energetic people are the least exposed individuals! 

This is the best way to take it away. Make good use of your time and set priorities!

Maintain optimism and believe that good things come to those who work hard. Keep striving for your goals until you succeed. Towards the end of 2022, you will definitely win a certain level of progress in life.

Love – Monkey Horoscope 2022

Independence and freedom will guide your steps throughout 2022.

Analyze well what your current situation is and decide what you want, and, of course, what you do not want.

You are no longer going to let your desires lag behind others because you will finally listen to yourself. You will put your personal interests above all else, to the point of causing a breakup.

If you do not feel developing next to your spouse or not treated as you deserve, then it is time to start over.

If you are single, now you know what type of person and what type of relationship you are looking for, which will avoid many disappointments.

Money and Career – Monkey Horoscope 2022

People from the Monkey zodiac will work a lot and remain productive. They will be very lucky when it comes to business and will meet new people in their professional field. 2023 will bring many job offers and amazing results for those born in the Year of the Monkey.

Dear Monkey, the 2022 Chinese horoscope predicts a rather calm year for you financially: no big worries, but you shouldn’t expect a huge, unexpected income as well.

The Year of the Tiger gives you a clearer vision for maintaining a balanced budget.

Your income is comfortable; however, your bank account will be affected by your mood fluctuations. 2022 will therefore require you to manage your finances more strictly.

Some invoices from last year are still lying around in your drawers, and reminders will be arriving soon, plus late fees.

Your financial management is probably the most problematic. Think with your partner about the distribution of your fixed costs, as well as the management of your outings, invitations, and purchases.


The Monkey seems to have an inexhaustible zest for life. Yet as you well know, when you run out of energy, you can collapse.

You’ll sometimes crash so hard that it takes you a very long time to recover. Because this is a year of relentless action, even you could easily deplete your energy. You could assume that you have enough resources to do just a little more when, in reality, you simply need to stop.

As a result, during 2022, you’ll be focusing both on learning to rest before you’re completely exhausted and on ensuring that how you look after yourself – that is, your diet and your way of eating – supports you now, during such a demanding period.

While this may seem an irritation and a bit of a nuisance, at least initially, the benefits you gain from what you learn about maintaining your health and wellbeing in this way will give you resilience now, when you want that extra boost of long term energy to sustain you now, while you pursue this year’s exciting goals, and in the future as well.

Monkey Luck Predictions and Feng Shui Tips for 2022: 

The favorable directions for people born in a Rooster year are North and East

The lucky colors for Monkey in 2022 are navy blue, purple, red, olive, and cobalt blue. These colors calm the mind and body, lower blood pressure, heart rate, reduce feelings of anxiety and aggression.

According to Chinese horoscope predictions, there are three numbers that will be lucky for Monkeys: 5,7, and 8.

The favorable months for this year will be July, August, October. These time periods will bring auspicious results for Monkeys.

The unfavorable months in 2022 will be March and December.

Feng Shui Objects for Luck:

  • Feng Shui Money Frogwill help attract and protect wealth and prevent bad luck. You can put it in your home and office.
  • Rose Quartz Mandarin Ducks –  symbolize happiness, conjugal fidelity.

Year of the Monkey and the Five Elements

Wood Monkey (1944, 2014)

The Wood Monkey recognizes the importance of thinking through decisions, considering his position, and then having done so, making a lasting commitment. As you’re all too well aware, however, not everybody takes this approach to life – a fact that’s led to difficulties and disappointments in the past. In 2022, you are going to be thinking a great deal about this and considering carefully what is in your best interests, what activities take you closer to your goals, which relationships are right for you. Most of all, you’ll be evaluating your own priorities.

Fire Monkey (1956, 2016)

Often in life, it’s you who shoulders the burden for others – you’re the responsible one. You initiate plans, you encourage others, you’ll even assume responsibility until they’re ready and able to make their own decisions. While this creates strong relationships and can often transform the lives of others, it also means that you’re frequently supporting not just one person, but a group of individuals, and in emotional, financial, or professional terms. In 2022, Fire Monkey will begin to review these arrangements. In some cases, you’ll want to strengthen them. In others, you’ll recognize that changes are not only appropriate, they’re necessary, and in yet others, you’ll realize that it’s time to say farewell.

Metal Monkey (1980)

If there’s one word or one concept that could describe what 2022 will be about for you, Metal Monkey, that word is ‘enquiry’. You’ll be enquiring into new ideas, you’ll be exploring new places – and not just places in the physical world and world around you, but also new places in terms of your own mind, in terms of what’s possible for the future, in terms of your work, your activities and your obligations.

Earth Monkey (1968)

You’re all about action – you learn by doing – and often it’s only when challenged or confronted that you actually realize exactly what your strengths are. As 2022 begins, you will already be considering his options. Those born in the Year of the Metal Monkey will be discussing plans for the future, focusing very much on intriguing opportunities. However, by March, these may run into difficulties, either because of confrontations or power struggles with others or, alternatively, you’ll find that what’s being asked seems too demanding or is, quite simply, unfair. You may feel that those in charge are trying to impose their will on you. If it sounds like 2022 is going to be a period as much of reflection as it is of action, that’s true. But this is not to say you won’t be getting things accomplished. On the contrary, as you face issues and gain insights, you’ll be doing whatever you can to deal with or improve on those situations. 

Water Monkey (1992)

Dear Water Monkey, when you face challenges they’ll stimulate you to think creatively. When opposition arises you’ll work together with others, and in doing so, not only overcome obstacles but strengthen your links with those closest in every area of your life. Most of all, you’ll discover a new personal vision, a new variety of inner resources and resilience that you didn’t know was there – all of which will make 2022 not only a memorable one but one during which you achieve kind progress that simply wouldn’t have seemed possible when it began.

Monkey Monthly Horoscope 2022

April is a time of action for you, and high emotion. Your home life may be wearing on you. Put your energy into your favorite pastime, because you will certainly have lots of energy! If you do not direct your energy, in fact, you’re going to wear out your friends and family!

May is a time of growth… in fact, it is in May that you will be best able to put some of those long-distance plans into motion. You may be very involved with communications at work. Altruistic ideas can work for you this month.

June is the time you are going to want to talk about everything to everyone, and you really shouldn’t. Keep your plans to yourself until you are ready to launch them. There can be major power plays in the work environment, as well as at home; it is best to steer clear of these.

In July work is going to become something of a burden, so this month might be the one to plan some vacation time in. Expect family issues to become important this month too! Plan on spending some time with friends or siblings. Emotions run high at work.

Plan some fun time in August, because this month is great for your creative passions to be unleashed. Join with friends to pursue some unusual entertainment. You won’t be sorry you did. Children can be up to some tricks, so keep an eye on them if you have them! In

September is definitely back to the work or school grind, but you may find it is a good time to change offices or take on some additional work or jobs. If you are thinking of going back to school, definitely start this month. Education or training is work-related.

In October you may have some relationship difficulties erupting, so be ready for them. The crisis is likely to involve freedom and/or control issues.

In November expect some old and unfinished business to come back to you… if you handle it properly you can turn it into something beneficial and growth-oriented.

Finally, the year ends in December with you getting together with the in-laws or some out-of-town company…or maybe it’s YOU who will do the traveling?