Pig Horoscope 2022 & Feng Shui Forecast

Pig Horoscope 2022

The recent Years of the Pig are 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.

2022 is the year when Pig will receive many blessings. You have given tirelessly of yourself and now you are surrounded by a loving support group.

According to the lunar calendar, a new Chinese zodiac year begins in January or February, despite common belief. If you were born in January or February of one of the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, you are either a Pig or a Dog. You may also be a Pig or a Rat if you were born in January/February in one of the years immediately after those listed above (2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, etc.).

Pig Horoscope 2022 Overview

The Year of the Water Tiger 2022, will be a time of completed projects and long-awaited wishes being finally fulfilled for those belonging to the Pig’s zodiac. At the beginning of the year, those born in the Year of the Pig will have plenty of opportunities to progress in their career, getting promotions and salary raises.

People born in the Year of the Pig will work hard and have great successes, but in the end, they realize that isn’t about the work, but the relationships and bonds they have formed on the way.

You will have a greater sense of your purpose and meaning in your life. Open your heart and you will receive the love you have desired. Finally, you will find love and appreciation for all you are and all you have done. Let others assist you, for you are not here to live life alone. Learn to receive, it is time for love.

Traveling and discovering new places for fun and excitement open your mind and give you a new perspective in 2022. A search for a more meaningful life will put you on a spiritual quest.

Pig Horoscope 2022 prediction shows that many realizations will transform your life giving you the ability to assist others with their lives. You will appear as a teacher of life. For the Pig, in 2022, there will be opportunities through partnerships either within a marriage or a business partnership. It is time to team up with others with the same desires and goals.

Love – Pig Horoscope 2022

Throughout the Year of the Tiger 2022, on a sentimental level, you will not get bored, but you will have great difficulties in gaining stability.

The truth is that you do not really know what you want, and you find yourself divided between your different desires and needs: independence, commitment, passion.

Your mental independence could even cost you a relationship, but rest assured that you will recover and learn from it.

To start the year off right, people born in the Year of the Pig must change their perspective on their romantic relationships.

In 2022, Goat, Tiger, and Rabbit are the most compatible zodiac signs for the Pig.
They are connected to one another and know how to make each other happy.

They respect each other’s achievements and are ready to go above and beyond for the family.

The Pig’s least suitable zodiac sign this year is the Snake.
This couple is friendly to one another but lacks a strong bond. If they marry, their marriage may not turn out to be satisfactory.

Money and Career – Pig Horoscope 2022

2022 is a special year for exploiting and developing opportunities.

Your professional and financial life can be affected, especially at the beginning of the year.

This enables you to solve problems in this area. You can make good decisions and know how to trade to earn more.

You can sometimes feel insecure, and that can be a barrier to taking advantage of this energy. In all trades you make, you would do well to research how best to trade and in what areas.

In 2022, you will be very passionate and productive. Although you can act quickly and impulsively, you are precise and efficient at the same time. This is due to the influence of the Water Tiger Year will increase intelligence and thus give you the power to think carefully.

You can fully use this passion to develop and go for it without fear of being too intense.

In June, you may have some difficulty dealing adequately and efficiently with work. You also find it difficult to complete your work on time. It is recommended to slow down and relax. It’s a great time to get out and about and relax physically and mentally.

In October, you can be overwhelmed by everything that comes your way and the goals you have set for yourself. It will be arduous to complete these now, and setbacks are also possible. It is recommended to review plans and goals and gather more information to get better prepared.

There is a great chance of a new job or trying out a career you once aspired to. The chances of this happening in 2022 are very high.

2022 will provide financial opportunities to improve your financial situation. It’s a great year to set long-term goals and make decisions. People who are in a difficult financial situation can emend many things and solve them with this energy.

If your financial status was already very positive, you could use the energy to enforce even more positivity. You will feel comfortable in your own skin and get through the year splendidly.

There are even indications that people will come and make beneficial proposals to you.

Pig Luck Predictions and Feng Shui Tips for 2022:

  • Favorable Directions: east, north 
  • Lucky Colors : light green, purple, pink, blue-gray
  • Lucky Numbers: 5, 7,9 
  • Favorable Months: Chinese Lunar Months of July, August, December
  • Unfavorable Months: June and September 
  • Lucky element: Water, which works in harmony with wood but is overwhelmed by the element of earth.

Feng Shui objects for luck:

  • Feng Shui Citrine/Yellow Crystal Money Tree – attract wealth and prosperity, success, and all good things. Place it in their living room to bring you money luck.
  • Feng Shui Golden Brass Pi Yao/Pi Xiu Wealth Prosperity Statue – attract wealth from everywhere and ward off ill fortunes and bring good fortune.

If you need a little extra bit of luck in the Year of the Water Tiger, you might want to use ta lucky gemstone to enhance your life. Crystal is a stone that should help you center and stabilize your effort and energy levels as the year 2022 should give you some extreme ups and downs.


2022 will give those born in Pig Year a lot of energy, which can affect you positively.

There is cleansing energy ensuring that you can get sick less quickly. Your physical resistance will strengthen, reducing the risk of infectious diseases and other conditions.

Pigs will do well to process certain things from the past. It will do you good to be able to discharge yourself and to be comfortable in your own skin.

Although there are times when you might feel awkward, there are also many people who offer you support. These can be friends or family, but also colleagues.

This allows you to eventually find a way to successfully close the year both mentally and physically.

In 2022, you are in excellent health. However, you must take care of any excess food that can cause problems to your health.

Is August 2022 Good for Pig?

As per Pig 2022 horoscope, be prepared for a few disappointments in August. Some of the things you expect to happen won’t. There’ll be delays and frustrations, particularly if you’re seeking fresh employment or to expand an existing business. However, these are only temporary delays, so don’t let them dent your hopes.

The underlying trend is still positive. Your home life will be good and your love life will offer comfort. Single Pigs will have a chance to find love if they pay attention to the signals that come their way – be confident! Keep your health at maximum this month by paying attention to diet, fluid intake, and exercise.

During 2nd-9th, gatherings with friends and entertaining at home are favored by social Earth energies. If you just want to entertain one special person, that’s ok too. Be on guard against mishaps linked to DIY, sport, or outdoor pursuits – be careful!

After the 16th, there’ll be gateways ready to open in your social life, exciting new people and contacts. Those of you seeking that special person to love should keep their eyes open when you’re out and about. An important romance could be nearer than you think.

What is Going On With Pig in September?

Interesting and substantial food, fine wines and spirits, good familiar company, fascinating talk, and comfortable surroundings, of such things, is Pig heaven made. In September 2022, your social life will develop enjoyably, offering plenty of opportunities to eat out and link to cultural events.

If ‘high-brow’ culture has never really been your scene, why not try it? I’ve never known a Pig who doesn’t appreciate passion and inspiration in art, whether it’s a play, punk rock gig, or engaging novel. The Lotus Moon’s not one in which to invest money, plan tax strategies, or start a pension or mortgage.

Younger Pigs experiencing their first romance, and the more mature among you getting involved for the second or third time, will find passions and emotions stirred. Enjoy it but take it with a dose of realism. Have no expectations beyond getting to know your lover better, sharing time, and experiencing some tenderness.

According to the Pig horoscope 2022, those who are already partnered could do with putting some fun back into their romantic life. Do something different: take a break away or dedicate quality time to each other. If you’re single, you may have to wait for true love, but for fun get-togethers, try your luck 3rd-11th, 16th-27th.

Artistic and creative Pigs will discover their inspirations peaking around the 16th’s Full Lotus Moon. Utilize this groundbreaking creative tide. Once the 7th’s passed, most Pigs will be reassessing their artistic career direction. You already know how you want to develop, it’s how to get there that needs to be thought. For many of you, the prime option will be education. Research to find out what’s possible, 3rd on, and take positive steps 12th-15th, 17th-24th.

The Five Elements of Pig Horoscope

Each zodiac sign is associated with one of the five elements in Chinese element theory: Wood, Fire, Earth, Gold (Metal), and Water. Each Pig-element year corresponds to one of the elements and occurs once every 60 years. For example, 2019 was the Earth Pig’s year. The year 2079 is the next Year of the Earth Pig Year.

Wood Pig (1995) – comes from Yin Wood. Wood Pigs tend to be more cunning and motivated by ambition, they believe in the ends justifying the means, kind-hearted and yet deceitful representative of the Wood Element.

In 2022, you will have opportunities for long-distance travel for the purpose of learning. Your mind will be eager to learn new subjects related to religion, philosophy, or spirituality. Take time to connect with your father for he has some ideas that may enrich your learning.

Fire Pig (1947, 2007) – comes from Yin Fire. Fire Pigs tend to be more obstinate and stubborn, can be profound and deep, sensual and absent-minded representative of the Fire Element.

In 2022, it is time to finish old projects you have already begun. Past memories will surface as you bring closure to many life issues. You will process old feelings, healing and transforming them into a new life perspective. Spiritual healing will give your life a new meaning, removing the many blocks that hold you back. An inner communication through dreams or psychic experiences puts you in touch with the knowledge that is not of this world. You are learning truths that are rarely understood.

Earth Pig (1971, 2019) – comes from Yin Earth. Earth Pigs tend to be more accepting and welcoming, not afraid of hard work, and calm and even-handed representative of the Earth Element.

The 2022 Horoscope predicts that your earned income is not particularly lucky this year unless you are someone who has been overlooked for bonuses and advancement up to this point. If this is the case, you might receive a real blessing that has been long overdue.

Metal Pig (1959) – comes from Yin Metal. Metal Pigs tend to be more lively and extroverted, sometimes they can be a little autocratic and bossy, prideful, and a pleasant representative of the Fire Element.

In the Year of the Tiger 2022, it is time to reassess your purpose in life. A turn of events has you reassessing what is important in your life. You are experiencing a change of heart and see your world a little differently. It is hard to make decisions while life is changing. It is best to avoid major decisions while in transition. Postpone decision-making for the end of the year.

Water Pig (1983) – comes Yin Water. Water Pigs tend to be more influential and driven, motivated by higher ideals, inspired by beliefs, and insightful and well-spoken representatives of the Water Element.

Your biggest issue in 2022 is what is hidden in your house of secrets. If you don’t have a secret love, this would be an excellent year to find one. You are very attractive and therefore you may exude an allure that you don’t realize. Your dream world will be very satisfying and you should pay attention to your dreams as they will be very helpful for you.