Chinese Horoscope 2022 – Year of the Tiger Meaning

At midnight on February 1st, 2022, we enter the year of the Water Tiger. From that day forward, we will live in the thrall of this disruptive, feisty and impetuous (but benevolent) despotic feline. The Tiger influence will reign supreme over the entire planet until January 21, 2023 – more than twelve hectic months! On January 22, 2023, we will celebrate the entry into the Chinese New Year 2023 and according to the Chinese horoscope 2023, we will enter the Year of the Water Rabbit.

As per the Chinese horoscope 2022, traditionally,  Tigers are the most prominent figure of power and courage.

All Tiger years are characterized by dynamic activity – from universal upheaval to breakthrough discovery and political foment. Sometimes painful but always instructive, these agitated periods invariably give us the push we need to crash through some financial, emotional, or social underbrush and zoom out the other side victorious. Tigers are always forging toward upsetting some fusty old notions or principles that no longer work.

Tigers want to generate excitement and will stop at nothing to create it. So the pace will be breakneck and the atmosphere heady with thrills and death-defying risk. There is a definite possibility of war, a push for revolution, and an already begun universal financial crisis. 1914 and 1938 were both Tiger years. Hold on to your hats. Fasten your seat belts. The Tiger is nigh.

In this stimulating Water Tiger year, all sorts of opportunities will come knocking at our collective doors. The trick? Knowing when and to whom we should open that portal in order to achieve maximum results without wasting a second. Timing, warns the Tiger, is everything in life. This year, if we answer the challenges set before us at the proper moment and with sufficient enthusiasm, we can all hope to receive the most stunning chances ever laid before our humble selves.

In other words, in 2022, don’t let the bevy of fascinatingly available distractions tear you away from your focus. Keep your nose close to the grindstone and feet almost on terra firma. But all the while, be sure to keep your peripheral vision and radar ears open so you don’t miss the opportunity to catch that single brilliant chance to pounce on some good old-fashioned “Tiger Luck” with your name on it.

Chinese Horoscope 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign

Chinese horoscope 2022 - Accurate predictions for the Year of the Water Tiger

Rat Horoscope 2022

As per the Chinese Horoscope 2022, this is a year to avoid indecision. It may be that many opportunities present themselves, especially in your career. However, these will not stay open forever. Be prepared to take on more responsibility.

Rat Horoscope 2022

Ox Horoscope 2022

Take care of business, and pay attention to details. The Year of the Tiger is a quiet time for the Ox, and relaxation and distraction will be a nice change after the Ox year. Don’t expect much from this year as you work to maintain the status-quo.

read in-depth – Ox Horoscope 2022

Tiger Horoscope 2022

Enjoy your year. Many opportunities will emerge to develop in all spheres of your life, but remember, this is Tiger year, and so avoid impulsive behavior.

read in-depth – Tiger horoscope 2022

Rabbit Horoscope 2022

2022 is a year for contemplation for the Rabbit. The self-improvement kick of the Tiger makes the Rabbit think long hours in their cozy home. Take a class. Read some poetry. Build up knowledge and insight this year.

read in-depth Rabbit Horoscope 2022

Dragon Horoscope 2022

Fame may come your way this year. If not, it is still a good year for you in terms of personal happiness.

read in-depth – Dragon Horoscope 2022

Horse Horoscope 2022

2022 is the year for the Horse to shine. They will be at their peak of sensuality and recognition. Appreciate the ease of the year, and don’t fret that it seems too easy. Trouble does not seek you out, and the quiet is refreshing, or is it boring?

read in-depth – Horse Horoscope 2022

Goat/Sheep Horoscope 2022

Be on-guard. Keep smiling and working. The work during this year may seem tougher, but with all the powerful Tiger energy about, there is no reason to be distracted by a bit of work. All that sensuality looks good, but do not indulge.

read in-depth – Goat Horoscope 2022

Monkey Horoscope 2022

This is a year of challenges for the Monkey. The practical intelligence of the Monkey is sometimes at odds with the charmed life of the Tiger. Do not abandon your path in the face of what you perceive to be the non-deserved gains of others.

read in-depth – Monkey Horoscope 2022

Rooster Horoscope 2022

Keep a low profile this year, there are likely to be a number of obstacles in your way. Energy fighting against these may well be better conserved for better times.

read in-depth – Rooster Horoscope 2022

Dog Horoscope 2022

The Year of the Tiger will be an excellent year for you to build foundations for the future, both in terms of personal development and career development. Seize the opportunities this year offers.

read in-depth – Dog Horoscope 2022

Pig Horoscope 2022

Hear that wedding bell coming your way?! As reported by the Chinese zodiac 2022, the Year of the Tiger is the year you’ve been waiting for. Love will blossom, business will become profitable and with the help from your mother’s side of the family, things will turn out just the way you want it. You still need to beware of thieves or bad investments, but if you go to weddings a lot, that might bring you some good luck.

read in-depth – Pig Horoscope 2022

The Luckiest Zodiac Signs of 2022 Based on Chinese Horoscope

The year brings extraordinary luck and happy moments to the Horses and Dogs, signs that are traditional allies of the Tiger. Those born under these zodiac signs must focus on their goals, and they will be fortunate in all domains.

The Monkey and Snake signs are at the opposite pole, as luck will not be on their side in 2022.

They must avoid jealousy and envy at work and in their social circle and focus on improving personal projects. However, at the end of the year, they will enjoy their work and be blessed with unexpected success.

Also, those born Year of the Tiger must be careful with their health, avoid food excesses, and get more rest.

lucky zodiac signs 2022

The Best Months of 2022 for all Zodiac Signs According to Chinese Astrology:

January, February, and March are the best months to change your job and start new projects.

April, May, and November are the lucky months in love, months in which those who are single can find a partner, and those in a relationship can think of extending their families.

The auspicious months for most zodiac signs are June, July, and August, in which many of them will get married, start building a house, or go on vacation.

Feng Shui and Lucky Symbols in 2022

The flying star # 8 of prosperity will be in the North-East throughout the Tiger year of 2022.

Activate this area of your house – the living room or office, using Yang water and place there a fountain or an aquarium.

Do everything in your power to spend more time in this area because it will be the best place in your house in 2022. 

In 2022, the ruling Tai Sui is General He E. The position of Tai Sui is at North-East3.

In conflict with Tai Sui are the Chinese zodiac signs of the Monkey, Snake, and Pig.

In order to attract wellness, fortune, and health, it is recommended to place in the house and at the office Tiger statues or Feng Shui elements representing the three deities of wealth: Kwan Kung, Zhang Dao Ling, and Tsai Shen Yeh.

The Tiger’s Character

Tigers are noble, superb and vicious animals. Tigers are known as well for their furtiveness and tenacity during hunts. The Tiger’s character is matching with that of the animal. Tigers display great bravery and guidance skills. They are very direct people with strong and sometimes rash reactions, they are rather unbothered to scorn a friend when they do something wrong. They also tend to be very ambitious, disobedient, capricious and headstrong.

Men born in the Year of the Tiger

There’s hardly any people that are as brave, cheerful and firm as Tiger men. When they pursue a goal, absolutely nothing can stand in their path to accomplishing it, no matter how fierce the opposition.

In their love lives, they will make their partner feel as if they are the most valuable person in the world. Even though at times they can act in quite frivolous ways, they should make sure not to fall for the wrong person.

Women born in the Year of the Tiger

These women are incredibly attractive and captivating, however, they are also a figure that easily exerts control and has a strong reputation. They are serene yet stormy, friendly yet threatening and as brave as they come, so they may face challenging situations.

They are equally cultured and self-confident compared to male Tigers. They can swindle and sway you in ways you can’t imagine and you’ll like it. If this pursuit turns into a relationship, you will be forever impressed by how complex their personalities are, but you have to do the same to keep a Tiger woman entertained and active in the relationship.

Elements of the Tiger

Their character varies according to the element they’ve been born into. In the Chinese mythos, everything is made out of these 5 elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

Wood Tigers (1914 and 1974)

They are in possession of a great memory. These Tigers are driven and keen to study and master skills, being especially good at art and research. Their professional life is a little shaky, however, if they manage to surround themselves with the right people they will achieve great feats.

Fire Tigers (1926 and 1986)

They are passionate and conscientious. These Tigers are gifted and determined. They aren’t very fond of discourse, but when they do engage others in conversation, they tend to overcome others with their self-assured nature, occupying the entire conversation. These Tigers are inherently shrewd and pensive, although their one weak spot is their health, they should take great care of their health as they are more prone to illness compared to other Tigers.

Earth Tigers (1938 and 1998)

They are charitable and cooperative, however, they also tend to be rather vain. These Tigers are innate businessmen, possessing great leadership skills and maintaining a monopoly on people’s trust and minds. They are altruistic and those whom they help tend to return the favor when the Tiger is in need. Most importantly, they are compassionate people whom anyone would be lucky to have as a friend.

Metal Tigers (1950 and 2010)

These Tigers are bluntly honest and free-spirited. They are decisive and resilient, which leads them to have a very forward-looking outlook on life. Furthermore, these Tigers are incredibly self-assured, meaning absolutely nothing can tear them down. Women of this zodiac are particularly ardent, while men tend to be very doubtful and headstrong.

Water Tigers (1962 and 2022)

Tranquil and serene, these Tigers differentiate themselves from other Tigers by their passive character. They are inherently inquisitive and eager to learn whatever they set their sight on. They are very considerate and easygoing, being great socializers. Although these Tigers are also perceived to be self-important and smug, which others don’t very much appreciate.

2022 Work & Career Chinese Horoscope Predictions

The career domain will be very much favored. Those who are unemployed will have excellent chances to find a job according to their competence. Those who already have a job will benefit from better working conditions and have good prospects of promotion.

The sectors of the new economy promise a new eldorado which the most imaginative and courageous of us will exploit to their greatest profit. In the last analysis, everyone will have his chance, and only the lazy ones will be left out.

Prepare yourself well for a better 2022. Accept the workload that you have to do, but don’t get stressed out because of it. Carry a set of three Wou-Lou Coins with you. In the meanwhile, stay out of trouble with your business partners, team associates, and office politics of the employees.

Better be motivated, guided, and protected by the Great Kuan Kung by placing his statue or photo in the North East, lest you run out of steam quickly.

Most people doing trading or working in the entertainment industry, beauty parlor, health, will do better.

Tigers desire success to the extreme, but this shouldn’t be confused with selfishness or avarice. Conversely, they are very pious people, holding faith above material gain. Their ambitious nature isn’t solely for material gain, they pursue a higher purpose, even if this purpose is rather unachievable, however, this won’t stop them.

Accordingly, the most crucial matter for them is to protect themselves from harm and not let others disturb their self-improvement. Contrasting with previous years, they could feel quite lethargic and too exhausted to make new connections this year. As such, they should make preparations and plan things beforehand, and make sure to go all-in so as to cancel out the impact of Tai Sui.


What Year of the Tiger 2022 means for your money

The world’s economic juncture will still improve much more vigorously than in the last year, and each one can have his share of the cake. There will be important money movements: you’ll earn a lot of money and will also spend much.

It will be the moment to improve your material life conditions, notably as regards your lodgings, your domestic equipment, and your leisure.

Don’t hesitate to break into your piggy bank to increase your comfort: you’ll run no risk in making fewer efforts at savings than previously.

Display the Brass Five Element Pagoda Tower to avoid heavy financial loss. Carry a set of 3 Bat lock Coins for some increase in cash flow.

Chinese Horoscope 2022: Love & Marriage

Generally speaking, people with the Chinese zodiac Tiger sign can get along well with people with signs of Dragon, Horse and Pig, who can be best partners in their married life. And their relationship will be sweet and everlasting. Tigers are typically best matched with Dragons, Horses and Pigs, in order to have a happy marriage. These couples will have a delightful life.

However, Tigers are incompatible with Ox, Snakes, Monkeys and other Tigers, as these couples will experience many disagreements and disputes, leading to an unhappy marriage.

The Year of the Tiger will prove clearly propitious to the blossoming of new love affairs and, perhaps as a consequence, to adulterous adventures. If you want to remain faithful to the beloved one, then control your heart well for it will be subjected to very strong temptations.

If you want to keep your mate to yourself, keep a close watch on him/her as occasions for “sin” will present themselves at every street corner. In case you would like to enjoy pleasurable flirtations, you would be well served, even if you are desperately shy or clumsy!

Tigers In Romantic Relationship

They are very chatty, so befriending them requires tons of patience and initiative. Tigers also tend to be very bold and self-assured, and as such, you shouldn’t judge them publicly for their mistakes, because there will be bad blood between you. They are gloating winners and sore losers, no matter how small the contest. You should avoid needlessly restricting or taking away their moment of glory. Tigers are also decision takers and they always want a word in every matter. When offering suggestions to them, you should do it in a charming and non-confrontational manner, so they don’t take it the wrong way.


The year 2022 may exhaust you both physically and mentally. Adequate rest and regular exercises are needed. Try jogging. Place a Brass Five Element Pagoda Tower to minimize health concerns.

When the Tigers get angry, they can do the unthinkable. Before acting, calm down, relax, and think before speaking. Meditation and yoga could be useful in 2022.

They are generally in great health. Tigers hardly get sick or ill, as they are very athletic, which lowers their risk of disease.

They tend to neglect their sleep due to their demanding schedules and worries. Tigers should get together with their family and make sure to get some good rest in order to keep them in good health.

Is 2022 A Good Year to Have a Baby?

The children born in the spring of 2022 will have a peaceful life, without problems.

Those born in the summer of 2022 will be wealthy but restless from a young age. They will work hard all their lives, and they will hardly be able to relax.

The people born in the summer and fall of 2022 will have bright eyes, peace and happiness will accompany them in childhood, they will work hard during middle age and have a satisfying old age.

The Tigers born in the winter of 2022 will be good strategists and innate leaders. They will behave like true knights, and they will always be attentive to the people around them, always ready to jump to their aid.

Read also: Is 2022 a Good Year to Have a Baby?